[GeoBal] Geopolitics Balance (SAFA, Alain)
General Spring 2025
In a globalized world where regions, borders, cultures, men and women, states and firms are getting closer by the day, a minimal understanding of major international issues and current geopolitical challenges (and their many consequences on the daily life of individuals, states, and governments, supranational organizations, and economic actors), no longer appears to be an option but a common sense necessity.

The diversity of interrogations, of major issues and challenges, of the uncertainties structuring the contemporary international environment, lead today’s observers - the citizens, the Chief executive officer as well as students and future managers - to look carefully at those complex and challenging matters. The knowledge and understanding of those issues have become, in a word, indispensable.

Teaching and Learning Methods: Lecture/interactive conference with the class; use of various teaching materials and technical tools (PPT presentations, documentaries, TV programs, internet) to maintain student attention and encourage participation.
Course Policies : Attendance and punctuality at all course sessions are mandatory.
[Innov] Let's innov ! (SURE, Patrick)
General Spring 2025

        This course aims to raise students' awareness of the entrepreneurial posture and practice by allowing them to discover the cognitive and operational process that under

lies the transformation of an idea into a viable and sustainable project. 

      Teaching and learning methods:

        The course is organized in the form of a 'full immersion' seminar, which will occupy the students full time for a short week (3 full days + 1 half day). 

       The course will focus on real-life cases.  Students will work in groups of 3 to 4 people, on real projects submitted by the participants. Prior to the course, each participant is asked to think about a topic or an idea that he/she would like to explore further. It can be a real business creation project or an idea that the student would like to explore further. 

        Each participant will present his/her idea in 2 minutes maximum to the whole group during the Ice-Breaker session that will take place during the first morning of the session. Each student will have to choose the project they want to work on to form teams of 3 or 4 people (not all projects can be worked on during the course).

      Course Policy:  Attendance and punctuality to all course sessions is mandatory.

[Business] Business Simulation (POPE, Kenneth)
General Spring 2025

In the Business Simulation course, students, in groups of three to four, will manage a virtual company as an aid to learning, by doing, about the practical aspects of running a company in a dynamic international environment. The course will be provided in a compact blended learning environment.

Teaching and Learning Methods:

Uniquely at EURECOM, this course will be delivered in a blended learning environment. That is, only half of the learning will take place in the classroom at fixed times each week. The other half of the course will be undertaken online at times, and places, suitable for the individual student teams, provided that the required tasks (usually a decision set) is completed within the defined week timeframe.

Research has shown that the best learning experience from the business simulation is over a concentrated timeframe. Therefore, this course, of the standard 42 hours effective learning time for a 5-credit program, will be completed over seven weeks elapsed time (rather than the standard 14 weeks). Some students may find this helpful; freeing up time towards the end of the semester to work on projects in other courses.

During the course, following initial briefings, student teams will each take up to 12 sets of business decisions; each decision set representing one quarter of a business year. Decisions are entered online before a predefined cutoff date and time. These decision sets drive the simulation, the results being provided online. During the seven classroom sessions, instructors will be available, face-to-face, to answer questions and provide support. Between the classroom sessions, instructors are available online (asynchronously, and, at pre-agreed times, live), as are a range of online support materials, including videos and guides.

Teaching will combine classroom and video-based instruction, guidance, and support, with additional online materials and individual support helping students, at their own time and pace, to master the technical and practical aspects of the simulation.

Course Policies

Active participation is required from each student. The grading system is continuous (see below) and is on both team and individual results. On-time attendance at entire classroom sessions is mandatory and will be recorded. Unapproved absences may result in expulsion. Individual student participation during the online sessions will be monitored by the teams themselves. Peer reviews are part of the evaluation process. In the final classroom session, each team, involving each individual student, will present their results to the class and to assessors.

[ProjMan] Project management (AUREGLIA, Jean Jacques)
General Spring 2025

The project oriented approach is considered in leading companies as an efficient method to manage both market and client oriented deliverables (i.e. products and services) as well as investments. In order to better manage and control projects, enterprises often evolve from a “Functional organisation” into a “Matrix organisation”, in which a new breed of leaders appears: Project Managers. The Project Management Profession becomes a key element in the new and global enterprise model.
The EURECOM Global Project Management class aims at introducing the different Project Management concepts and techniques, mixing “main tent” presentation of key topics and hands-on case studies for each student to experience team dynamics and managing sample projects.

Teaching and Learning Methods include Lectures (all attendees) and Case Study sessions (in groups).
A case study in the technology domain will be performed during the course, from session to session. The main purpose of this case study is to illustrate, use and get familiar with the different Project Management methods and techniques introduced during the lectures. The case study may require some work between the class sessions. Students will present their work to the whole class for the purpose of sharing and obtaining feed-back. In order to optimize the effectiveness of each session, the students will be expected to keep the topics addressed in earlier sessions fresh in their mind, prepare for the case study, and actively participate through questions and presentation of the results of the case study.

Course Policies: Attendance is Mandatory for Both Lectures and Case Study sessions.
Non-attendance would need to be justified by serious reasons and limited to a maximum of 2.  
Active participation in the Case Study sessions is expected.

[SATT] Sociological Approaches of Telecom Technologies (RELIEU, Marc)
General Spring 2025

Contemporary works in the sociology of Technology offer numerous critics of the classical divide between technical and social features. It has been shown that the success or failure of technical innovations rests on their propensity to merge with various organizational and interactional features. This course aims at providing students with a precise understanding of different combinations between technologies and conversational features. Various case studies of  technologies in use will be examined, either in professional or ordinary or in mundane contexts.  Drawing from those studies, the course provide several methodological  discussions, with a strong focus on observation of social conduct in natural settings and the use of audio or video recordings in social science.

Teaching and Learning Methods : Lectures , written and oral presentations and discussions, readings

Course Policies : On-time attendance is mandatory

[TeamLead] Personal Development and Team Leadership (PRIOR, Andrew)
General Spring 2025

This course consists of three essential elements:

(1)     'Getting to know yourself' - understanding the drivers of your own behavior. This is the basis of any personal development and is critical for developing effective interaction with others whether as a team member, or as a team leader.

(2)    'Working with others' - building on the self-knowledge mentioned above, this core element allows you to explore, understand, and practice ways of working with others that are both more enjoyable and more effective. This is critical given that almost everyone works as part of a team.

(3)    'What's next?' - building on both the above sections, this element helps you take the next steps in your career: setting objectives, selecting target organizations, applying for jobs, and effective interviewing.

Teaching and Learning Methods: Lectures, team exercises, and presentations

Course Policies: On-time class attendance is mandatory (discipline is the core of personal development); three unapproved absences mean exclusion.

[Law] General introduction to law : contracts, setting up a business (SERIO, Dominique)
General Spring 2025

This course provides a solid introduction to European Business law from a managerial and strategic perspective taking an international and comparative approach.The course is the study of how companies manage legal perspectives    in order to create value for the company through corporate and contract issues.The course will focus on the main laws that regulate various aspects of establishing and running a business within the European Union.

Teaching and Learning Methods :


- To acquire basic legal knowledge in European Business law

- To have an overview of the company set up process

- To learn about the majors principles of contract law

With cases,  materials  and theoretical approach   

Course Policies :  Course lectures

Adversary style debates

Case Studies

[WebStra] Web strategy and organizational Performance (COMOLE-THEVENIAUD, Cyrille)
General Spring 2025
This 21-hour course aims to provide students with the theoretical (concepts and methodologies) and operational (empirical knowledge and practical exercises) foundations necessary to design a high-performance website that fits perfectly into the company's strategy and takes into account existing processes while propelling the company into tomorrow's economy.
Teaching and learning methods:
This course will take place over 7 sessions of 3 hours which will be structured in such a way as to develop both the conceptual and methodological bases and the practical-empirical approach of the theme.
The lectures will be punctuated by practical exercises in groups and individuals and will be completed by readings and a group project that will be presented in the last class.
Course rules: : Attendance and punctuality at all sessions of the course are mandatory